ACT Test Scores

ACT Test Scores 2018-2019:

The ACT exam is referring to the “American College Test” that is one of the most popular and well-organized tests which is conduct to assess the various capacities of international candidates (students) who interested to take admission in top most popular colleges/university which is located in the United State of America. You know, The ACT test scores are mostly accepted by different colleges/universities that lie in the USA. The ACT test consists of four different major sections which include, English, Math, Reading, and Science. The ACT Test Scores is very important because lots of international students may interested to take an admission in the top colleges/university of their choice on this basis only. Nowhere in this article, we discuss about the ACT Test Scores and its related information. So carefully read the whole article for complete information about Test Scores.

How can I see my ACT test scores 2018-2019?

After few days when it is release, your ACT test scores are posted on official website of the ACT so you can check it online with the help of your secure ACT web account. It is one of the best options to completely check your Act Test Scores. Viewing your test scores online does not speed up reporting. Important thing is that; customer care cannot provide your updated test scores by any way like phone, email, and fax etc. here we mention complete steps for how to see your scores 2018-2019.

  1. If you already have an account? Just Use the correct user I.D. and correct login password. (If you forgot your password then first you need to recover and make new password after then you can access your account).
  2. Once you log in just Click on “Your Test Dates and Scores” tab which is located in the left column.
  3. After that, you will see a table with the dates.
  4. In the next steps, you need to click on “View Your Scores” option
  5. Now enter the password one more time.
  6. Within a few seconds, finally, you will arrive at your ACT Test Scores page.

What is a Good ACT Test Scores?

It is one of a good idea to look at the total test score averages for the schools to which you are applying. The Good ACT Test Score give you lots of opportunities to take an admission on top colleges/university in the USA. But the thing is, “What’s a good ACT score?” Basically, those students who are planning on taking the upcoming ACT entrance exams, you maybe want to know more details about your what is the good ACT scores. But the important thing is that A “good” ACT score totally depends on your correct questions answers in every section.

ENGLISH: 29 – 36
MATH:  28 – 36
READING: 30 – 36
SCIENCE: 27 – 36
COMPOSITE: 28 – 36

What is a Bad ACT Test Scores?

If you are eligible students and have you already taken the ACT exams 2018 recently? And if you think you are not doing well in exams? maybe you are just searching what is the lowest ACT Test Score 2018-2019 you essential to get admission into top college/university in the USA. Now in this particular section, we will provide complete details about what is the bad ACT test score in both terms (national or international).

ENGLISH: 19 or lower
MATH:  19 or lower
READING: 20 or lower
SCIENCE: 20 or lower

When Do ACT Scores Come Out?

How ACT Test Scoring Works?

If you are eligible students and looking for more details about how ACT Test Scoring Works? before you take the upcoming ACT test 2018-2019, it’s a good idea for you or every interested student to be familiar with how the ACT entrance test scores works. Here in this particular section we are try to mention some of the basics needs to know every interested student.

ACT Test Scoring for the Multiple-Choice Sections

Now firstly we discuss about the ACT test scoring for M.C Section (Multiple-Choice Section). In this particular section includes various subjects like English, Math, Reading, and Science.

  • Every student get only 1 point for each correct answer and the important thing is they neither lose nor gain any points for each incorrect answer.
  • The test score for a particular section is calculated by determining the total number of correct answers.
  • The test score for a particular section is converted to a scaled score, which ranges 1 to 36, and 36 scores is the highest conceivable test score. The eligible students get the maximum scaled score for each (English, Math, Reading, and Science) of the four multiple-choice test sections.
  • The composite ACT Test score is the average scaled scores for the four multiple-choice test sections. For Example;

If any student gets the scored like;









Now the composite ACT test score would be

(24 + 28 + 26 + 23)/4 = 25.25, which is rounded down to a 25.

What is ACT Test Scores range?

All eligible and interested students easily apply for it. So, if you’re planning on taking the upcoming ACT entrance exams, perhaps you are also looking what you can expect in terms of ACT test scores. In this particular test article, we’ll take you through the basics details about how the test is scored and what is the ACT test scores range. The ACT exam has four different sections these are:

    1. English,
    2. Math,
    3. Reading, and
    4. Science. 

Each section is also maximum scored on a scale of 1 to 36, and the average ACT test scores we already discussed in the previous section you can check it easily. Now in this section you can easily check out the trial chart to see how to raw scores are converted to the final ACT Test Scores on an ACT Test scale of 1-36:

When Do ACT Scores Come Out?

Students mostly ask these types of question like When Do ACT Scores Come Out? Or How long does it take to get your act scores? If you have already taken the ACT test 2018, and now you are waiting for your upcoming ACT Test scores 2018. Knowing when the exactly to expect your ACT exams result can surely help your strategy ahead. So, in this particular web article, you can easily find out when your ACT Test Scores will become available and where you can check it, our backend team also mention ample information about ACT Test scores like how to get ACT exams results 2018 as fast as possible and what to do once you have get the test scores.

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