Multiple Choice Trivia Questions for Kids 2020-2021
Free Multiple Choice Trivia Quiz Questions With Answers 2020-2021:
Qus: In Which Apollo mission landed the first humans on the Moon?
A. Apollo 7 B. Apollo 9
C. Apollo 11 D. Apollo 13
Ans: Apollo 11
Qus: Which event from the 2012 Summer Olympics will be held at Lord’s Cricket Ground?
A. Handball B. Fencing
C. Archery D. Shooting
Ans: Archery
Qus: The British Naval Ensign features a Union Jack in which corner?
A. Top left B. Top right
C. Bottom left D. Bottom right
Ans: Top left
Qus: Who plays Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider series of films?
A. Angelina Jolie B. Nell McAndrew
C. Minnie Driver D. Jennifer Aniston
Ans: Angelina Jolie
Qus: Florence Nightingale became known as “the Lady With the Lamp” during which war?
A. American Civil War B. Crimean War
C. World War I D. World War II
Ans: Crimean War
History Trivia Questions for Kids Grade 1 to Grade 10:
Qus: Which of these characters turned 40 years old in 1990?
A. Charlie Brown B. Bugs Bunny
C. Mickey Mouse D. Fred Flintstone
Ans: Charlie Brown
Qus: In what place was Christmas once illegal?
A. Brazil B. Russia
C. France D. England
Ans: England
Qus: At what temperature are Fahrenheit and Celsius the same?
A. -100 B. 100
C. -40 D. 92
Ans: -40
Qus: In what key do most American car-horns honk?
A. F B. E
C. G D. H
Ans: F
Qus: In the following which is the longest-running American animated TV show?
A. Pokemon B. TV Funhouse
C. Simpsons D. Rugrats
Ans: Simpsons
Qus: In California, it is illegal to eat oranges while doing what?
A. Bathing B. Gardening
C. Driving D. Working on a computer
Ans: Bathing
Important Easy Trivia Quizzes for Kids grade 1st to 5th:
Qus: A Seahorse what type of animal is?
A. Crustacean B. Arachnid
C. Fish D. Shell
Ans: Fish
Qus: In the following which is the fastest water animal?
A. Porpoise B. Sailfish
C. Flying fish D. Tuna
Ans: Sailfish