Best Common Questions to Ask Kids: Funny Quiz to ask Kids About Their Parents
If you confident, how well do you know your child ones? For an exciting and often entertaining approach to how your kids see the world. Most of the kids ask a lot of questions when they grow up. It is a wonderful time to check how their young minds work. We all love to listen to kid’s voice whenever they explain their thoughts on some of the amazing things in life. In the spirit of these conversations, I’ve created a huge list of common questions to ask your kids. Our team tries to mention various types of questions which are based on different categories. The first can be used as family related questions. So just print out the family related questions. You can choose to pick any types of suitable categories to question each time as a way to bond at before bed like dinner time, playing games time and so many other suitable time whenever your kids comfortable. Now in the bellow of the post, we mention common Quiz Questions to Ask Kids.
Questions to Ask Kids at Dinnertime
Dinner time is one of the very special times for getting together. It’s completely family time, a time to talk about our daily routine with your family members because it’s not only a time eat a meal, but it is an important time to communicate with one another. We believe that open communication and being interested in what your children are doing every day like what they are studying in school, and what problems that are having etc. are one of the simple ways to help and prevent your kids from getting in types of trouble.
Best Common Questions to Ask Kids
1. What activity did you do today at your school?
2. Which work made you really happy today?
3. Which book your teacher read today? Was it interesting?
4. Who is your favourite teacher?
5. Did you learn any new songs in the class?
6. Can you teach me something you learned at school?
7. Did you help your friends when they needed?
8. Do you like to eat a banana?
9. What was the most difficult thing you did today?
10. What is your favourite subject?
11. How was your school today?
12. Did the monkeys come in and eat everyone’s lunch?
13. What is one thing you did today that helpful for other?
14. Who inspired you today?
15. What do you like most about school?
Funny Questions to Ask Kids
16. Was your teacher dressed as Batman or Superman today?
17. Do your friends call you by the name of a donkey?
18. If you could ask God a question, what would it be?
19. If you had one superpower, what would it be?
20. Go around the table and sing your favourite song?
21. What colour is your toothbrush?
22. What is your favourite animated movie?
23. If you had $10, what would you do with it?
24. Describe your funny dad in one word?
25. What’s the funniest thing you can think of?
Questions to Ask Kids at Dinnertime
26. Would you clean your room or the table after dinner?
27. If you invisible for a day, what will you like to do?
28. What’s your favourite season?
29. What goal do you have for this year?
30. Do you like swimming?
31. What is your favourite cartoon show?
32. Which habit of your sister doesn’t like you?
33. What is your favourite thing to do with the family?
34. Do you like pet animals?